We’ve got you covered.
Are you ready to take your craft to the next level? Let our Executive Coaches and WSC Alumni guide you in one of our Cohorts and Workshops. You can also request one on one coaching for a specific speaker need.
What is a Cohort?
Each Cohort consists of 5-10 women who are chosen to participate in an exclusive coaching program.
Each Influencer Cohort is designed so you finish with a huge goal.
Our Writing & Publishing Cohort finishes with a book proposal. Our Speaking Cohorts finish strong with a designed talk that’s specific to your voice. We have workshops for website design, marketing, podcasting and life planning. All of our Cohorts are designed to launch and propel you into action in the area of your expertise.
WSC Cohort
Three 1-hour/month group sessions
Plus ongoing communication with your coach through those three months
WSC Cohort +
4-8 month coaching programs
Group sessions with 5-30 participants
WSC Workshop
One 2-hour group session
Plus 1 one-on-one session with coach